Engcon’s founder is awarded the H.M. The King’s Medal in Sweden
His Majesty the King’s Medal, formerly also known as the Court Medal, was instituted around 1814 and is awarded to Swedish and foreign citizens for special merits and also to executives at the Royal Courts of Justice. This year, Stig Engström was awarded the medal for his significant contributions within Swedish industry.
“I received a letter informing me that I had been selected along with five others to be awarded H.M. The King’s medal of the 12th size with a bright blue ribbon and that the medal awards ceremony is planned to be carried out at a later date”, says Stig Engström, founder and owner of Engcon.
The King’s medal of the 12th size with a bright blue ribbon is round with the king’s profile in relief and on the back has text indicating the reason for which the medal was awarded. The medal is intended to be worn around the neck with the ribbon. Stig Engström was awarded the medal for his significant contributions within Swedish industry and comments on it as following:
“My mission is to change the digging world to become safer and more efficient. It is therefore incredibly fun that my and Engcon’s work is noticed. It is a great honour to be awarded a medal from H.M. The King”, says Stig Engström.
In 2021, the following persons will be awarded H.M. The King’s medal of the 12th size with a bright blue ribbon:
- Stig Engström, for his significant contributions within Swedish industry
- Jacob de Geer, for his significant contributions within Swedish industry
- Göran Lennmarker, former member of the Swedish Parliament, for his eminent political deed
- Gerteric Lindquist, for his significant contributions within Swedish industry
- Magnus Nilsson, for his significant contributions within Swedish industry
- Anders Wijkman, author and public debater, for his meritorious contributions concerning issues in growth and the environment