
Welcome to engcon group

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Financial targets

engcon’s board of directors has adopted the following financial targets and dividend policy.

Net sales growth

exceed the growth in existing markets¹ through organic growth.


have an operating margin (EBIT margin) in excess of 20 per cent, measured over a business cycle.

Capital efficiency

continue to achieve an industry-leading capital efficiency. ROCE to exceed 40 per cent, measured over a business cycle.

Capital structure

maintain a strong capital structure supporting further expansive organic growth and dividends to shareholders. Equity-to-asset ratio to be above 35 per cent.

Dividend policy

pay approximately 50 per cent of net profit in dividends. The dividend proposal will consider engcon’s long-term development potential, financial position and investment requirement.

1The existing market’s annual growth is expected to amount to approximately 19 per cent during the 2021-2026 period according to the Strategy& (PwC) market report 2022.