Board committees
The board has established two committees: the remuneration committee and the audit committee. The committees are preparatory bodies of the board.
The remuneration committee
The remuneration committee currently consists of two members: Annika Bäremo (chair) and Bob Persson. The remuneration committee shall prepare proposals on remuneration principles, remunerations and other employment terms for executive management. Further, the remuneration committee shall monitor and evaluate any programs for variable remuneration to the executive management, the application of the guidelines for remuneration to executive management adopted by the general meeting as well as the current remuneration structures and remuneration levels in the Company.
The audit committee
The audit committee currently consists of three members: Anna Stålenbring (chair), Annika Bäremo and Monica Engström. The main tasks of the audit committee are, without affecting the board’s responsibilities and duties, to ensure that a satisfactory level of control over risk management, internal control, accounting and financial reporting exists and ensure that the Company’s financial reporting is prepared in accordance with laws, other relevant regulations and applicable accounting standards. The audit committee shall ensure maintained on-going contact with the external auditors, review the results of and evaluate the work of the external auditors and provide recommendations to the nomination committee regarding the election, re-election or termination of the appointment of the external auditors. The committee shall also review and assess the external auditor’s independence and objectivity towards the Company by, among other things, stay informed of their relationship with the Company and Group management. Furthermore, the committee shall inform the board of the results of the external audit and in what way the audit contributed to the reliability of the financial reports and what function the committee have had.