Engcon’s EC226 tiltrotator for larger excavators gets an upgraded lifting hook – now approved for 8 ton lifting
Engcon’s EC226, the second largest tiltrotator for excavators in the 19-26 tonne weight class, now has a more powerful lifting hook that is approved for 8 tons, according to EN 474-1: 2006 + A6: 2019 ANNEX E. The upgrade applies to the directly attached tiltrotators.
”It’s thanks to an upgraded top with more powerful side plates that made the upgrade possible”, says Göran Kron, constructor at Engcon.
The more powerful lifting hook can handle three tons more than the previous model, and with a larger diameter it can hold more robust chains or lifting straps.
”Yes, it has also been a wish as some drivers use reinforced lifting straps for heavy lifting,” Göran Kron continues.
Göran Kron also says that the lifting hook has a CE mark like all the other lifting hooks that Engcon mounts on its tiltrotators. The EC226 upgrade applies with immediate effect, and the 8-ton hook is already in production and delivered as standard on all directly attached EC226 tiltrotators.