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engcon’s CEO sells shares

The CEO of engcon, Krister Blomgren, has today sold 300,000 shares in engcon AB.

On December 16, engcon's CEO sold 300,000 shares in engcon at a price of SEK 107.20 per share. After the transaction, Krister Blomgren owns 959,400 shares in engcon AB.

"I have sold part of my shares in engcon for personal financial reasons. I still have a substantial shareholding in the company, and my commitment to engcon remains as strong as before. We have a fantastic growth journey ahead of us, and I look forward to continuing to lead and develop the company," says Krister Blomgren, CEO of engcon.

The transaction will be reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, in accordance with applicable regulations.

For more information, please contact:
Krister Blomgren, CEO
+46 70 529 92 65

Anne Vågström, Head of Investor Relations
+46 76 126 40 84

engcon is the leading global supplier of tiltrotators and associated equipment that enhance efficiency, flexibility, profitability, safety and sustainability of excavators. With knowledge, commitment and a high level of service, engcon's slightly more than 400 employees create success for their customers. engcon was founded in 1990, headquartered in Strömsund, Sweden and address the market through 14 local sales companies and an established network of resellers around the world. Net sales amounted to approximately SEK 1.9 billion in 2023. engcon’s B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

For more information, visit www.engcongroup.com